In this week the blogpost is about the Continuous Improvement Process (CIP). The CIP is a big topic in our practice firm. So first of all, what’s behind the CIP? A CIP is an ongoing effort for improving people, products, services and processes in order to strengthen a company’s position. In order to improve the work in and on the model “Practice Firm”, and therefore the Practice Firm itself, you need continuous improvement. For this, the CIPs can be used as a support.
For the eXpand and KFUNIline it means that every department should think about how they can contribute to the continuous improvement process to reach the main goal of the practice firm. Every department has to fill in the CIP-sheet with the improvements, which should be done till the end of the semester.
In summary, the point is that the practice firm is continuously improved and that it remains in good quality for the next semesters. In the table you see an example of the Learning Point department: The improvements are intended to provide a sound basis with all the important points in handbooks to make the tasks easier for the next semesters.