In this blogpost, you will receive small insides into the accounting work of eXpand. First of all, we show you our turnover in general and in categories. After that our top customers are listed. Then we focus on receivables, expenses and profits. Finally, we familiarize you with some important key figures.
Turnover and its development
Since we have been part of eXpand we have done a lot of work. In October 2021, we have achieved a turnover of 55.090,00€. In comparison, in October 2020, the turnover amounted 7.850,00€. The reason were the closed schools, because of the pandemic situation. From January to October 2021 our turnover reached an amount of 123.030,00€. In 2020 the turnover from January to October stood at 76.153,33€. In fact, our team achieved in October about 45% of the turnover.
Our most successful categories
For the category based turnover we had a deeper look into the figures of October 2020 and October 2021. In general, there are three categories we separated our turnover into. In October 2020, the special offers made up 44%, whereas consulting services with 29% and Market analysis with 27% were less attractive for our customers. There is a changed situation in October 2021. About 60% of the turnover were achieved through consulting services. On the second place, market analysis was booked with a percentage of 32%. Special offers only made up 8%.
Top customers from January to October
A big thanks to all practise firms which are in negotiation with eXpand. Our top five customers ranked through the turnover were:
- Bio-Hofladen GmbH
- Bitter Sweet e.U.
- BA&BM GmbH
- Blue Tomato Handels GmbH
- TreeNet Social Media Consulting GmbH
We are looking forward to generating further partnerships.
Receivables, Expenses and Profits
In order to analyse our turnover, we must different between paid and outstanding payments. In October 2021, already 14.580€ have already been paid. 40.510€ are outstanding. In comparison to the period between January and October 2021. 76.120€ have been already paid, whereas 46.910€ are still outstanding.
In October 2021, we recorded total expenses of 17.285,44€. About 75% of the total expenses are used as personal costs. Furthermore about 14% of our payments are taxes. In comparison to the numbers from January to October there are only small changes in the distribution. Difference are in the case of tax, they amount about 5%. Cleaning costs with 2% also have to be considered.
The numbers above result into a profit of 17.285,44€ in October 2021. From January to October there we can also achieve a profit from 3.685,78€
Interpreting some important key figures
With a percentage of 93% our equity ratio is above the branch standards. This means that we are able to finance ourselves with hardly any support from thirds. The ROS (returns on sales) with 3% are under the branch standards. That means that we have to improve this number up to 5% which is the branch standard. We have a cash ratio of 273%, that is far above the branch standards. That means that we are able to cover our expanses.