Finally, after two years we have been able to start our practice enterprise with the strategy seminar in the beautiful castle of Schielleiten. In this charming location, we were allowed to attend a great seminar packed with lots of useful information about practice enterprises, fun and above all teamwork!
The two days we spent in the eastern part of Styria were a great opportunity to get to know each other better and to build mutual trust. The focus of the seminar was to develop our teamwork skills and forming a unit throughout the departments. Therefore, our management have prepared a set of various games and exercises, which we “mostly”mastered with flying colours. This solidarity is particularly important because we will be working very closely together, as there are many new tasks for all departments of eXpand and KFUNIline.
Furthermore, we learned a lot about the practice enterprise market and how to set up a practice enterprise as well as about the organization, company structure and business focus of eXpand and KFUNIline. After this excursion, we feel energised, connected and motivated for this semester.
For more information about our work in the practice enterprise, upcoming events and to find out what we are allowed to discover about the concepts of practice enterprises in this semester, please follow us on this page!
We would also be delighted if you join us on our Instagram page!