On the 6th of May 2019, the information evening of the practise companies KFUNIline and eXpand took place at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz. The employees of the marketing department informed the future employees around the course "practise company". At first it was explained, what you undestand under a practice company. In addition the company structure and the various departments of the individual practice companies were discussed in more detail. Even the application process, which each future employee has to go through, were presented. Furthermore the highlights, that happened during the semester at the ÜFA, were presented in an exciting way. Subsequently the future employees were divided into groups to explore and getting to know the individual departments, such as Monitoring and Support, Learning Point, Marketing, Consulting and Accounting. Everyone was able to get an idea of what was going on in these different departments. At the information evening the future employees also received special information about the practise company KFUNILine,which will be lead as a profit center this year. Afterwards, the work of the ÜFA was discussed during joint socializing.
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