Dear readers,
The first month of the new year 2025 is almost over, and thus, the activities in our training company are also coming to an end – at least for the students of the Winter semester 2024-2025. However, even towards the end, both the operational and strategic business activities and decisions are running at full speed. Decisions about the handover process, final coordination in accounting, implementation of new products, and sustainability decisions need to be made, and of course, organizing a small farewell evening for everyone should not be overlooked…
Corporate Support
The members of Corporate Support are responsible for organizing a joint evening, during which, as we already mentioned at the beginning in Schilleiten (see first blog post), we can informally exchange ideas, reflect on the semester, and, as has been the case throughout the year, strengthen the entire team of UniLine GmbH and look back together on the successful collaboration within the individual profit centers as well as across profit centers.
After Corporate Support already organized the info day for our potential new employees in the next semester, they are also responsible for the creation of the handbook, ensuring that students in the next semester can quickly familiarize themselves with their new tasks and continue to maintain and competently manage the business with our excellent partners.
PC South
PC South has analyzed, thought about, and even implemented some sustainable and AI-centered projects throughout the semester. All of these activities, in expanded and more detailed form, now need to be evaluated towards the end and summarized in a comprehensive protocol, including a presentation. This protocol will serve as the foundation for subsequent semesters and provide a helpful reference, especially since, due to a lack of personnel, the agendas of PC South will be split up.
Furthermore, PC South is still busy with activities to coordinate the audits for the coming semester, ensuring that no obstacles prevent achieving the desired awards and that the goals are met during the review.
PC West
PC West has had its hands full this entire month finalizing the year-end financial statements. A report on performance and key metrics, as well as the newly calculated contribution margin calculations, are on the agenda for the next PE meeting. Additionally, reconciliation tasks regarding open items and other matters, which also relate to the merger from a year ago, such as the consolidation of bank accounts and associated loans, are necessary to ensure a smooth handover to the incoming employees.
PC East
The team at PC East is also working at full speed until the very last day: Evaluations of the sold products, as well as considerations about the product range, including the addition of new products and removal of "old" products, need to be completed. These measures must be implemented both in ACT, BMD, and internal order lists, as well as in external visualizations.
In addition to the product portfolio, a sponsorship portfolio for our PE partner, RLB Steiermark, must also be created. This will describe, record, and visually illustrate all marketing activities related to our partner. At this point, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for the excellent collaboration!
In addition to all these PC-specific tasks, which are especially in focus at the end of the semester, we must not forget the ongoing tasks: Profit center-specific implementations and elaborations for the respective audits, continuous documentation and revisions of department-specific activities for the handbook, correspondence with our PE partners, order processing, and much more.
We hope that we have kept you informed throughout the semester and provided you with a glimpse into the various topics and activities of the training company UniLine Education & Consulting GmbH. In this sense, we, the team of the Winter Semester 24/25, would like to thank you for an outstanding semester.